Play Ball!

by Gena Suarez Were you good at softball as a teen? How ‘bout baseball? Because you are a natural pitcher and catcher; did you know that? Depending on the circumstances and the situation of the day (or moment!), you are ready to go. You rarely miss because...

Don’t Miss the Twirling Moments

Hey Dad, We’ve been home from our south Speaking tour for just over a week. We left Florida and it’s been rainy and cold ever since. But I’ve still been basking in the memory of vacation and uninterrupted family time (but it’s growing fainter by the second). While...
Why Go To Conventions?

Why Go To Conventions?

It’s time to decide whether to attend the Annual CHEA Convention. As a new homeschooler, you may look at the list of workshops and all the activities and feel like it will be too much for you. Or you have been homeschooling for a number of years and think things are...

Homeschooling 101: How to “Convention”

by Anjuli Watanabe, CHEA Events Manager It’s convention time! CHEA’s 36th Annual Homeschool Convention is July 11-13, 2019 at the Pasadena Convention Center. For some, attending Convention brings an overwhelming sense of dread, for others it feels like Christmas. I,...