AC18-634 Homeschooling and the Law–Today’s Battle Ground – Nathan Pierce

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Laying a foundation of understanding the legalities of homeschooling, Nathan will clarify the difference between public and private education and how we as private homeschoolers can make sure we meet compulsory education law. He will address what Scripture has to say about training up our children under the influence of God’s Word, and what important issues are at stake when Christian families are considering the perceived advantages of leaving private homeschooling to join a charter school. He will also update you on current legislative battles to protect our private home education and parental rights and freedoms, and how God is using FPM “behind the lines” at the state capitol to help preserve them. You will learn how vigilance is maintained against the many threats against our precious freedoms, threats arising out of the even larger battlefront involving the underlying worldviews and trends of our culture’s war against the God-ordained family.


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