
by Katie Julius The importance of remembering our history is woven throughout our culture. Whether it is marking an important event (Independence Day), in recognition of a person who made a significant contribution to the world (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), or...

Play Ball!

by Gena Suarez Were you good at softball as a teen? How ‘bout baseball? Because you are a natural pitcher and catcher; did you know that? Depending on the circumstances and the situation of the day (or moment!), you are ready to go. You rarely miss because...

The Power of a Praying Mom

by Heidi St. John [Editor’s Note: We are excited to have Heidi St. John joining us as a keynote speaker at CHEA’s Parenting & Homeschool Conference, July 13-15 in Downey. This article is just a preview of the encouragement and advice she has to share with us this...