We regret to announce that we made the difficult decision to cancel this event due to low early registration. We invite you to attend one of our other Leadership Conferences later this year.

“So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart,
And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.”
Psalm 78:72​ (NKJV)

Friday, January 19, 2024
2:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Sun River Church
Rancho Cordova, CA

Registration Deadline January 15, 2024

Leadership Conference price is $55 per person. 
Support Network Members receive a special discounted price of $45 per person.
(just enter the email address associated with your personal CHEA account)

Event Schedule

2:00 p.m.

Town Hall, moderated by Nathan Pierce

3:00 p.m. SESSION II
Leaving a Legacy of Servant Leadership, Rhonda Asbenson
4:00 p.m.

Raising up the Next Generation, Scott Lasch

4:30 p.m.

Leadership Transition and the Homeschool Group, David May

5:00 p.m.

Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going in Homeschooling? What’s Your Vision?, Dr. Brian Ray

Meet Our Speakers

Dr. Brian Ray

Dr. Brian Ray

Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. and others founded the institute in 1990 as a 501(c)3 non-profit research organization and is the president of the institute. He holds his Ph.D. in science education from Oregon State University, his M.S. in zoology from Ohio University, and his B.S. in biology from the University of Puget Sound. Dr. Ray has been a middle school and high school classroom teacher in both public and private schools, an undergraduate college professor, and a university professor at the graduate level. He is a leading international expert with regard to homeschool research. Dr. Ray executes and publishes research, speaks to the public, testifies before legislators, and serves as an expert witness in courts.

Rhonda Asbenson

Rhonda Asbenson

Since 1991, Rhonda has been a part of the Sacramento Christian Organization of Parent Educators (SCOPE) and served in leadership in almost every capacity, chairing the SCOPE Board through the controversial decision to keep the organization’s focus on private home educators. Rhonda now heads IHS Christian School PSP, tutors students from all educational approaches, and consults with homeschoolers across the state. Thanks to the wisdom of her husband, Rhonda taught their five children from K-12. All 10 of their grandchildren are homeschooled, too – Glory to God!

Scott Lasch

Scott Lasch

Scott Lasch is an associate pastor at Calvary Chapel of Downey, where he and his wife, Angela, assisted in implementing a new PSP. They have been married for over 30 years and have three sons and one granddaughter they adore. Their three boys were all privately homeschooled. Scott was a police officer for over 29 years and retired as a homicide detective. During this time in law enforcement, he learned what it is to be a servant and how important it is to pass down servanthood to the next generation. He joined the staff at his church in 2021, where he continues to serve people today.

David May

David May

David May is a leader at Dayspring Christian School in Visalia, CA, a PSP. He graduated from The Master’s University in 1997, where his worldview was corrected from the influence of the public schools he attended. He then graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in 2000. Since 2002, he has served as the Lead Jail Chaplain in the Tulare County Jails. The events of his childhood, including growing up in the public school system, made him passionate about discipleship and gave him the desire to give his children stability in a loving Christ-centered home.

Nathan Pierce

Nathan Pierce

Nathan began working at Family Protection Ministries (FPM) in 2002 to protect private homeschooling in California. He was homeschooled himself from kindergarten through high school and received a B.A. in Political Studies from The Master’s University. Currently he serves as Executive Director and Legislative Liaison for FPM. He works behind the scenes at the State Capitol, meeting with legislators to advocate on behalf of homeschoolers. He and his wife Betsy are actively involved in their church and homeschool their own 8 children.


Leaving a Legacy of Servant Leadership, Rhonda Asbenson
Following Jesus’ example of servant leadership is the goal. But what are the essential elements to implement this practically? We’ll explore Jesus’ example, practical ways to emulate him and the foundations for being “God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works.” What are the servant leadership goals God has directed you to? How do we determine God’s goals for us? How do we complete all the servanthood/leadership items on our list? Come expecting the Lord to guide you to practical ways to “be like your Master.”

Raising up the Next Generation, Scott Lasch
What are the characteristics of a godly leader? The Apostle Paul gives us the answer as he instructs young Timothy on the qualifications of someone wanting to be in a leadership role. We learn the importance of passing down these attributes to the next generation. As homeschool leaders, we also need to have those godly characteristics that Paul spoke of as we are raising the next generation of men and women who will be leaders in the homeschool movement. But the key to this movement is putting Christ first and seeking His will in all we do.

Leadership Transition and the Homeschool Group, David May
Dayspring Christian School began in 1985. Established with dads filling leadership roles, an aspect unique to their homeschool community, each parent takes on a different responsibility in the school. Learn how this PSP has begun the transition process of raising the next generation through a mentor program which has come about through trial and error, resulting in the creation of an advisory committee to aid in the process. Come hear what did and didn’t work, and how they have begun passing the baton to the next generation.

Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going in Homeschooling? What’s Your Vision?, Dr. Brian Ray
From where does the homeschooling movement come? What are its precursors and motivators? Key events? Further, what are the movement’s – and your – vision for the future? Dr. Ray will give a very quick history of about 6,000 years of education/schooling, then slow down for the modern parent-led home-based education movement. Christians need to take history seriously so that they can move ahead with a strong foundation, vision, effectiveness, and grace and avoiding mistakes and slumps with their families and homeschool organizations into the next decade. You really do not know where you are going until you understand where you have come from. Come and be challenged by Dr. Ray about both.