Homeschool Directory

Welcome to CHEA’s Homeschool Directory

Whether you are looking for a homeschool group in your area or a resource supplier, you will find it here.

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PSP (Private School Satellite Program)
A type of private school in which parents are the primary teachers of their own children. A PSP files one affidavit covering all enrolled families. It meets the requirements of California Education Code 48222.

Support Group
A group whose primary focus is providing community for homeschool families through a variety of social activities; offering support and encouragement to parents in all aspects of homeschooling. The group does not file an affidavit; each family is responsible for fulfilling the legal requirements for exemption from compulsory education for their own children.

Special Interest Group
A group which is parent-led and focuses on a single subject area or style of teaching. Examples include a sports league, speech and debate, nature studies, Charlotte Mason, unit studies, literary club, etc.

Learning Community
A program that offers homeschool families community primarily through regular classes, but also hosts some additional activities; parents determine course of study; teachers may or may not be paid; each family is responsible for fulfilling the legal requirements for exemption from compulsory education for their own children.

Service Provider
A business which provides services or products to homeschoolers. Included are booksellers, tutors and tutoring centers, stores of any kind, organizations or persons who offer classes for a fee but which do not fall in the category of a school, PSP, support group, or learning community, etc.

Want Your Homeschool Group or Service Listed?

Homeschool groups listed in the Homeschool Directory are members of CHEA’s Support Network. Find out more here.

Companies that provide homeschool services and resources can find out more about advertising opportinities here.