Since 1984, CHEA has been hosting an annual homeschool convention that features workshops for homeschoolers at all stages, an exhibit hall with curriculum, resources, and services, children's and teen conventions, high school graduation, and much more. Join other homeschool families from across the state as you are encouraged and equipped for the school year ahead. This is an event you don't want to miss!
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Biblical Basis for Parental Rights
Who owns the children? Does the state have a compelling interest in your child’s education? What are your rights as a homeschooling parent? Do you know what to do if a social worker shows up for an unexpected visit? Israel shares personal stories and insights from the early days of the homeschooling movement when many parents faced jail and the removal of their children from the home if they chose to home educate. Learn how to equip yourself to stand against opposition.

Education: Does God Have An Opinion?
Is education a neutral subject? Does God have a preference for how He wants children to be educated? What does the Bible teach about schooling? Is there one correct path for education? Are public schools a viable option for Christians? These questions and more will be discussed in this engaging presentation.


The Gift
When we began our homeschooling journey we asked ourselves, “Will we be able to teach them all they need to know for success?” Little did we know that homeschooling would be not only what we taught them, but what THEY taught US. God used homeschooling to teach us what he needed us to know as parents, homeschoolers, and as His children. Join me for an intimate time of sharing and laughing at the lessons my children taught me. My hope is that you’ll start to view your homeschool day less as a time to teach and muscle through, but as a gift.

The Four Homeschool Temperaments
Frustrated by the fact that what works for your homeschooling friends doesn’t seem to work for you? Or what works for one of your children doesn’t work for all your children? Learn about the four homeschool temperaments. You’ll discover if you’re a Falcon, Owl, Swan, or Sand Piper and how to homeschool in light of those traits. During our time together we’ll discuss how to approach homeschooling for each temperament, how to teach your children who may not be your temperament, and what types of homeschool curriculum works best for your temperament. This will be fun as you discover your homeschool temperament!


ISRAEL WAYNE, Keynote Speaker

Helping the ADD/ADHD Child
If you have a hyperactive or easily distractible child, you won’t want to miss this informative and sometimes humorous message that shares stories from his experience as an ADHD child himself. You will receive practical and Biblical insights into ADD/ADHD and will be encouraged that there is hope for your child!

Homeschooling From a Biblical Worldview
Are your children prepared to face the “Real World”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How are you going to transfer it to your children? Will you be more effective than the media and popular culture? Discover how to teach your children to view the core subjects (and all of life) through the lenses of scripture.

How Can I Know What is True?
There is a common skepticism today about knowing anything with certainty. It is assumed by many that if you claim to know something in an absolute sense that you are arrogant. How do Christians respond to this challenge? Can objective truth really be known and defended? This will be a thought-provoking and engaging session.

Is Homeschooling Just for Women?
For many men, homeschooling has been looked at largely as something their wife does. Many believe that if they pay the bills, that is really all that God expects of them. Biblically speaking, what is the proper role for men in the process of home education?

TODD WILSON, Keynote Speaker

Fostering a Hate of Learning
The homeschool movement promoted the idea of fostering a LOVE of learning. Yet, most homeschoolers have fostered a “hate” of learning. Instead of inspiring children to love exploration, discovery, and learning, moms find their children fighting them tooth and nail to “do school.” Homeschooling and learning should be fun. It’s design enables learning to be experienced in a way NO public or private school can provide, but we’ve believed and adopted ideas that are not true and kill inspiration and the love of learning. Join me as we talk about helping our children LOVE to learn.

Invasion of the Conviction Snatchers
Do you have a child who doesn’t want to be homeschooled, in-laws who don’t understand your reasons for homeschooling, a spouse who isn’t sold on the idea, or a guilt complex reminding you that you have no business homeschooling your children? Those nagging, sometimes-silent disapprovals can crush a person under the weight of guilt and despair. You sometimes feel like a wave tossed to and fro because you feel God would have you homeschool. Join Todd, as he goes face to face with the naysayers and shows you how to address their concerns, questions, and logic of why you shouldn’t homeschool your children.

KRISTI CLOVER, Emcee & Featured Speaker

Family Unity Through Traditions and Fun!
Fun isn’t always spontaneous; sometimes it needs to be planned. As homeschool families, our kids spend a lot of time with each other. This creates both deeper relationships but can also ignite some, shall we say, conflict. Intentionally planning opportunities for fun creates family  bonds that help to allay tension and create lasting memories. Traditions don’t have to be lavish and worthy of Pinterest. Sometimes it just takes a little food coloring to brighten a day. Whether you are looking to add more unity among your family members or a few new  traditions to your holidays, this workshop will not disappoint.

Getting Started! The Nitty-Gritty of Setting Up Your Homeschool in California
Starting to homeschool can be overwhelming. Whether you are on the fence about homeschooling, just starting off, or need to get a refresher about the basics, this workshop will take you step-by-step through the process of getting off to a good start homeschooling. Kristi will provide a basic explanation of the “homeschool-ese” you are struggling to understand, practical “how-to’s” for getting your school established, and a brief overview of all you need to know to start your adventure in homeschooling.

How to Organize Your Homeschool – And Manage All the Materials
There are so many things to juggle—and so much “STUFF” that comes with homeschooling! Books seem to take over. Paper doesn’t really seem to have a “home.” Just  getting your homeschool day up and running takes longer than you ever imagined. Organizing your homeschool doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Whether you are a veteran looking for some fresh ideas or totally new to homeschooling, this workshop is filled with practical tips and advice on how to plan out your year, simplify your day, motivate your kids—and free up your family time so you can all have more fun!

Sanity Savers for a Homeschool Mom
Attaining sanity in the midst of motherhood sometimes seems like an impossible task. Motherhood by definition is often a bit chaotic—throw in homeschooling—and you have the making of a perfect storm. Life can be stressful and messy. Some days can bring you to the brink of insanity. Based on the tips outlined in her new book, Kristi walks you through her 7  Simple Solutions for a More Joy-filled Life. This workshop is a must for any homeschool mom who has ever felt a bit overwhelmed. It will leave you encouraged that you are not alone in this journey of motherhood.

TYLER HOGAN, Featured Speaker

Curating Your Child’s Education
You’ve taken responsibility for your child’s education. But how do you know which textbooks, educational opportunities, or classes are the best choices? What should you teach yourself, and what might you delegate? In this workshop, you’ll learn how to be a good curator of your child’s education and how best to use all the tools at your disposal. We will discuss the pros and cons of co-ops, online classes, dual enrollment, and many other learning options, so that you can make optimal decisions for your family.

Demystifying Learning Styles: Memory and Concentration (Part 1 of 3)
What does it take to make a memory? How can we help our students retain what they learn? Why are our kids so easily distracted? In this workshop, we’ll explore the science of memory and concentration, learn how to balance our students’ cognitive loads, and identify which study strategies pay off (and which don’t). In the process, we’ll learn how to help build a learning environment that suits our kids’ unique learning styles and figure out what to say when they want to multitask while they study.

Demystifying Learning Styles: Modalities and Motivation (Part 2 of 3)
Are your students visual, auditory, or kinesthetic? What does that mean for them and for you as their teacher? How can you harness their preferred learning modalities to help them engage and learn? In this workshop, we’ll discover what these modalities mean, learn how to use them (and when not to), and bust common modality myths. We’ll discuss when to accommodate and when to challenge your students’ preferred modalities and how to use their natural learning preferences to motivate them.

Demystifying Learning Styles: Growth and Goals (Part 3 of 3)
We all want our kids to grow, but how do people grow? What does it mean to be intelligent? Can we become smarter? In this workshop, we’ll look at Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences in conjunction with educational psychology to answer these questions. We’ll discuss the growth mindset and how to foster it in our children, as well as examine our own philosophies of education and how they help us make decisions about our learning goals and activities. Finally, we’ll explore how to choose curriculum that helps our kids grow in the best ways possible.

Objectively Evaluating Your Students Writing
You want your students to become outstanding communicators, but how do you objectively evaluate their essays and reports? Whether you are a pro at English composition or embarrassed by your own writing, the truth is that you can effectively—and objectively—evaluate and grade your students’ writing. This interactive workshop will teach you how to make and use rubrics that overcome parental bias and get to the heart of good nonfiction writing. We’ll even practice using them during the workshop and answer your questions.

Questioning College
Wondering if college is really the best choice for you? Want to know what your other options are after high school graduation? Thinking about taking a gap year? Then this workshop is for you. Tyler will take an honest look at the value of a college degree, the expectations of the marketplace, and how to make the most of your young adulthood. We’ll explore the role of vo-tech programs, work experience, travel, service, and other opportunities for recent graduates, and give you a framework for selecting your next steps.

TAUNA MEYER, Featured Speaker

Getting it All Done with Loop Scheduling
Always feeling behind? Wondering how to get it all done? Find out about this simple and flexible tool and how you can incorporate it into your homemaking and homeschooling! This in-depth workshop will guide you through several ideas and templates to get you started.

Homeschool Success for the Type-B Homeschool Mom
So, you’re not the Martha Stewart of homeschooling? No problem! You can do this. Get practical tips and encouragement for thriving in your homeschool. You’ll learn how to deal with doubts and fears, stop the comparison trap, conquer the organization challenge, and get on top of your homeschool days with confidence.

Marriage Mistakes Homeschool Moms Make (and How to Avoid Them)
Homeschool moms are incredibly dedicated and hardworking. With all the aspects of homeschool and family life to juggle, it’s no wonder that we are sometimes stretched thin! But our marriages are worth the energy and effort to prioritize, even (especially) in the midst of busy family life. Learn some common pitfalls to avoid and how to help your marriage thrive now and into the future!

Strategies for Multi-Level Learning
Struggling to teach all the kids all the things? Finding it difficult to plan your days or keep from falling behind? Learn from a homeschool mom of six practical ways to organize your days, maximize your teaching time, and still make time for the joys of homeschooling.

NATHAN PIERCE, Featured Speaker

Busy Dads – Ten Tips to Engage
Nathan understands the struggle of balancing work and family life. Drawn from his own failures and victories, he shares his top ten tips for dads to be more effective in leading their families. Wives sometimes feel that they need more help from dad, and dads are often at a loss as to how to be more involved with their wife and kids when it comes to homeschooling.  Nathan talks about how husbands can help their wives with homeschooling, and how, with God’s help, they can actually lead from the front instead of trying to play catch-up.

Charter Schools – Opportunity or Hidden Stumbling Block?
You probably know homeschooling families who have left the fold of private homeschooling for the perceived advantages of joining a charter school. Perhaps you yourself have even wondered if it wouldn’t be a solution to some of the challenges you’re  facing. So, what are some of the important issues Christian parents should consider before making any decision to enroll their children in a charter school?

Getting Your Family Involved in Advocacy – What Can I Do?
Ever wonder how you could make a difference in the fight to keep our homeschool freedoms? Personal face-to-face meetings between a legislator and a homeschool family can be the most effective advocacy tool we have. Nathan will discuss inviting legislators to your homeschool science fair, taking a field trip to visit your legislator in their local district office, and even lining up your teens to potentially intern at a legislator’s office. In a time when it can be tempting to be isolated and just “do your thing,” Nathan will challenge you to engage in the battle for our freedoms while we still can.

Preparing Your Children To Take On A World Gone Wrong – Why I Can’t Ignore How Government Works
Do you know how a bill becomes law, and about the real-life political skirmishes and shenanigans that go on at our State Capitol, where a fair fight is not valued nearly as much as a win? As we, in obedience, pray for those who rule over us, do we trust in God or in a political solution? In this day of growing government, are you being persuaded to look to government to be the answer to your problems and needs? Hear how home educators can be involved in making a difference while depending on God alone.

Legislative Update with Nathan Pierce
with John McGowan, Esq.
Fresh from the battlefront, Nathan will update you on major current legislative battles threatening our private home education and parental rights. You will learn how vigilance is maintained and hear how God has been working “behind the lines” through FPM this year at the State Capitol. As time permits, this perspective will broaden to an even larger battlefront of the underlying worldviews and trends of our culture’s war against the God ordained family.


Olumide and Deanna Adefope

Inspiring Youth to Serve
Do you know a teenager who has a passion for learning and teaching and who enjoys working with children? Do they desire to grow in their confidence in sharing the Gospel? If so, then Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) is for them! This hands-on learning experience equips youth to boldly share their faith with children in their community while connecting with like-minded believers. In this session you will hear life-changing testimonies and learn more about this amazing summer program.

Realizing the Opportunities All Around You
Many of us homeschool our kids because we recognize that our public schools are no longer following biblical principles, which are essential for a child’s spiritual development. But we all have a responsibility to share the love of Jesus with everyone, especially children. The opportunity to make a difference is right there in your community! In this session, we hope to help you realize the opportunities all around you and how God can use you to transform a child’s life.

Crissi Allen

Creating Community As You Homeschool
“My kids were lonely and I knew that I had to do something about it.” “In my area, I couldn’t find a community of people or mentors for my children.” Do these statements hit home for you? They started me on my homeschool journey. Join me as we discuss some of the best practices for creating a co-op that benefits your children and other families who have the same values as you! Take away super-practical steps for you and your own family!

Juggling Homeschooling and a Job
Working and homeschooling is a daunting task, but it is possible. Come listen to a group of moms who are currently making both work. You will gain practical tips and tools to help you be successful in both endeavors.

Greg Baran

Why Is Writing DIfficult, and How Can We Ease the Difficulty for Our Kids?
Writing is the act of taking ideas from our heads and putting them on paper in a clear, logical manner. For our kids, the way we help them put their ideas on paper clearly is to show them how to structure their writing—in other words, we show them where their ideas go on the paper. Getting their ideas on paper in an organized manner is the single most important writing skill our kids can learn for success! In this session, I’ll show you how to apply this concept so your kids can become confident, happy writers.

Dr. Lisa Dunne

From Homeschool to Higher Ed: What Colleges Really Want
What sets homeschoolers apart from their traditionally educated counterparts? We’ve all heard the myths about homeschoolers being rejected by colleges. But what do colleges and universities really care about? As a lifelong homeschooler and a 20-year veteran of higher education, Dr. Lisa Dunne understands the socio-emotional and scholastic competencies colleges look for. Join us for this eye-opening seminar on the most important skill sets you can be developing right now for your child’s future scholastic success.

Understanding the Youngest Generations: How GenZs and Alphas Learn
What’s your learning style? And what if your kids have a different style of learning? After 20 years of working with the youngest generations, Dr. Lisa Dunne has discovered a few unique, but simple differences that often set generational learning styles apart. Parents, you are called and equipped! You can teach your children at any age and stage. Join us for this dynamic, engaging workshop on the scholastic solutions for reaching your GenZ and Alpha learners.

Brian Eliason

Confronting the Tech-Touch Challenge
We live in an increasingly high tech world, yet we need high touch experiences to live and grow as humans. The pull of technology is unavoidable and frightening. The best tools for education and evangelism hold great potential – both for learning and for losing reality. It is possible to bring these worlds together; and dangerous when we don’t. Our children’s future depends in large part on their capacity for integrating these worlds well.

Vital Signs: Five Essential Skills Every Student Needs for Success in Education and in Life
The research is clear. There are five essentials for success in education and in the workplace. These five C’s appear in university studies, marketplace research, and missions training. They are being integrated across educational programs in prep schools, homeschools, and underground Christian co-ops in cultures hostile to Christianity. Learn how to integrate them into your own home education as you prepare real students for the real world.

Lenny Esposito

Does Science Make Faith Obsolete?
Science is understood in today’s world to be the only reliable source of truth. If there’s a conflict between science and faith, most will assume that our beliefs are in error. Are science and faith contradictory? Do modern scientific discoveries prove Christian beliefs are outdated? Join us as we look at this issue.

Why Evolution Doesn’t Work
Richard Dawkins once wrote that evolution allows him to be an “intellectually fulfilled atheist”. But does it? Or are there some things that evolution simply can’t answer? In this session, we’ll explore where neo-Darwinian theory hits a brick wall and shows why more than ever there must  be an intelligence behind life.

Teresa Foltin

You CAN Be a Great Math Teacher
Maybe you struggled with math, so how do you choose a curriculum to avoid the same fate for your child? Maybe you’re really good in math but unsure how to teach it? Should you include manipulatives or not? What does it take to be the best teacher for your child? Find out the science and art of teaching math: science because much research has been done on how children learn, especially in math, and art because each child is different and lessons need to be tweaked. Come learn and be encouraged to become a great math teacher.

Math Myths, Math Anxiety, and Math Learning Challenges
Is your child facing learning challenges? Does your child have math anxiety? And what myths are we talking about? Children with learning challenges must truly understand in order to remember. The traditional approach of teaching mathematics does not work for them. In this workshop, you will learn some teaching strategies and techniques that will help children with  learning challenges, reduce math anxiety, and debunk the myths that make your task harder than it needs to be.

Rochelle Giordano

Lone Wolf or Part of the Pack: Discovering the Balance Between Autonomy and Community in the Homeschool World
Should I join a co-op? Should I join a PSP? Should I file my own affidavit? How do I decide what group experiences my child needs? Is it ok to just stay home with my children? This session explores the variety of experiences available to homeschoolers, while showing us that we can all find our balance between homeschooling our own way, and being part of a supportive community.

What Kind of Homeschooler Are You? – Teaching Methods Panel
There are so many teaching methods out there. How do you know which one is the right one for you and your family? Come listen in as a panel of homeschool veterans discuss the pros and challenges of these different methods so you can deterrmine what might work for you. Methods to be covered include classical, eclectic, Charlotte Mason, and more.

Daniel Johnson

College Life: Challenges and Changes for the Homeschooler
Choosing a college (or even whether to go) is just the beginning. Attending college can bring with it a variety of changes: more independence with more responsibilities, new learning and testing modalities, changes in how you manage your time and routine, new relationships and adjustments to existing ones, and even changes to how your faith is practiced. For some, it can be overwhelming. Knowing what to expect and planning accordingly can make all the difference.

Dr. Scott Julian

Serving God in a Crazy Culture
God is sovereign, just, and faithful as we serve Him in this crazy world. This session will dive into what is expected of us by God in how we serve in the culture that we live in. We will look at what was told of God’s people in Jeremiah chapter 29 and how it applies to us today.

The End is Worth the Middle
Hebrews 11:23-29
The attributes enjoyed, animosity encountered, and approaches employed by those who have faith. Faith is not sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting for something to happen. In fact, that kind of a concept of faith is fatalism. Faith works, faith acts, and faith is doing something now, for faith is acting upon the promises of God now!

Rebecca Kocsis

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
You started the year convinced homeschooling is what’s best for your family. Now you’re wondering, “What made me think I could do this? Will they really grow up to be normal? What if they do in fact become those weird, unsocialized homeschoolers that I’ve heard about?” Today we’ll talk about what is truly normal. And really, what is so bad about being one of those weird unsocialized homeschoolers?

Writing a Philosophy of Education & Mission Statement: Mission Possible!
As a new homeschooler, I was completely intimidated when asked about my philosophy of education and our family’s mission statement. I had never been of the opinion that philosophy was practical. I thought, “What does that even mean?” Don’t get me started on my worries over a mission statement. “We should have that, too?” As time went on, I realized that this wasn’t as complicated or intimidating as it seemed—and they served as guiding principles as we made important decisions about our homeschool over the years.

James Mason

Has Homeschooling Reached a Tipping Point?
What does the dramatic increase in the number of children being homeschooled mean for the homeschool movement and for homeschool freedom? HSLDA vice president Jim Mason takes a look at the history of the homeschool movement and looks to the future—for both opportunities and for threats.

John McGowan

Legislative Update with Nathan Pierce
Fresh from the battlefront, Nathan and John will update you on major current legislative battles threatening our private home education and parental rights. You will learn how vigilance is maintained and hear how God has been working “behind the lines” through FPM this year at the State Capitol. As time permits, this perspective will broaden to an even larger battlefront of the underlying worldviews and trends of our culture’s war against the God ordained family.

Zsanae Miller

Two Friends, Two Journeys
Join Zsanae Miller (Homeschooling with Purpose) and Michaela Roekle (Grace and Glory Homeschooling), as they share real stories of homeschool life, family, and friendship through every age and stage. Learn how the Lord led each of them to homeschool their big kids and how He used an international adoption and a surprise pregnancy to start homeschooling all over again!

Unlearning to Make Room for Learning
Most of us have grown up in a traditional classroom, and when we try to mimic that style of learning at home, we can find ourselves exhausted, frustrated, and confused. In this session, we will discuss instilling a life-long love for learning in both our children and ourselves.

Why am I Homeschooling? Looking at the Big Picture
Are excited for this new journey of homeschooling, but wondering where to begin? Or … you started homeschooling and are now overwhelmed by all the curriculum choices and looming thoughts of “messing up” your child? All these thoughts are normal and experienced by many. While we are looking at all the details of our daily schedule, we can forget to look at the big picture. In this session, we will talk about what your end goal desire is for your child, how to get through those difficult days, and how your “why” might change through the seasons.

Beverly Parrish

Can I Help My Child with Special Needs?
Homeschooling parents of a child with special needs often ask themselves many questions like “Am I qualified to do this?” or “What can I possibly offer?” and “Shouldn’t I leave this to the experts?” As a mom of three dyslexic learners and a daughter with Down Syndrome, Beverly has a unique insight into the doubts and concerns of parents wondering whether they can adequately educate their special needs child. Come and find encouragement for this challenging task.

Playing Academic Catch-Up with Teens
Does it seem that your older teen is ‘behind’ in school?  It could be because of learning challenges, family or health distractions, previous school history, etc. Whatever the reason, the school ‘to-do’ list seems to be larger than the amount of time you feel you have left with your child. In this session, Bev will talk about strategies you can use when determining what concepts must be covered, how to capitalize on your child’s strengths to cover the material, the necessity of supporting their sense of self, and what resources might be ‘friendly’ to this type of situation.

Preparing Your Child to Read Well
Some children practically teach themselves to read, but most will need to begin with good preparation and continue with sustained instruction along the way. Before beginning to work with a phonics curriculum, there are helpful things you can do to ensure that your beginning reader is prepared to be successful. Come learn more about the value of pre-reading skills, what those skills are, and what to look for in a sound, thorough phonics curriculum.

There’s No Comparison – Dealing with Different Academic Levels in your Children
We all do it. It’s hard not to compare our children to other families. What is even harder is to not compare our children to their siblings. Students just learn differently, at different paces, and with different skill sets. We must honestly assess the situation before we can go forward with a solution. In this session, Bev will share ways to allow each of your children the freedom to learn at their own speed and find their own maximum potential.


David and Shirley Quine

Essentials of Home Education – Three Keys to Unlocking Success
Many young homeschool moms and dads are struggling to find the right combination — the right ingredients — for giving success in their home school. There are many voices out there. Which voice is the right one? Or is there even a right voice? Yes, there is. After homeschooling our nine children over a period of 30 years, we believe there are three ingredients which underlie all successful homeschool families.

Eyes and Ears to See and Hear – Teaching Art and Music
Living in an age that is filled with that which is ugly, we must be lining the hearts and minds of our children with that which is truly beautiful. Studies in music and art can do just that. This should not be considered as ˜extra” to our daily curriculum. Make time to enjoy the beauty and richness of music and art together with your children. It’s time your children will never forget … it’s time you will cherish forever. Teaching art and music is a wonderful way to bring beauty into a broken world.

Michaela Roekle

Two Friends, Two Journeys
Join Zsanae Miller (Homeschooling with Purpose) and Michaela Roekle (Grace and Glory Homeschooling), as they share real stories of homeschool life, family, and friendship through every age and stage. Learn how the Lord led each of them to homeschool their big kids and how He used an international adoption and a surprise pregnancy to start homeschooling all over again!

Penny Ross

Choosing Curriculum
Are you overwhelmed by the sheer number of teaching materials available? Textbooks work well for large classroom settings, but homeschoolers have the freedom and flexibility to select any type of resource. Let’s discuss how to evaluate publishers and their philosophies, learning styles, expense, prep time, and more so you can more effectively match curriculum to the needs of you and your family in this particular season of your life.

High School Overview
High School is different! We’ll talk about the basics you need to know including setting graduation requirements, earning a diploma, making a transcript, naming your courses, and determining the number of credits to award.

Homeschooling a High-Energy Kid
If your child barely sits still long enough to eat, how in the world are you going to teach him or her to read, do long division, or write an essay? You know a classroom will be a poor fit for your student, but how do you homeschool someone who has more energy than you do? Educating this kid will be a challenge but let’s discuss practical tips and tools that can make it easier — for both of you!

Lesson Planning and Recordkeeping
Homeschoolers don’t need to make all the plans and keep all the records a classroom teacher does. But which records are you required to keep? Which ones are helpful? And which ones will you wish you had kept later on, even if they weren’t required? Let’s discuss simple lesson planning which will help keep you on track and easy documentation that can be completed in just minutes per day.

Mike Schutt

All Work and No Play? A Christian View of Leisure
An introduction to a Christian view of leisure in the classical sense: pursuing truth, goodness, and beauty for their own sakes, because we are created to pursue them. The lecture discusses habits that lead to true leisure and its relationship to our pursuit of God.

Truth: Foundations for Discipleship in an Age of Doubt
An introduction to epistemology. Truth is revealed, and truth is a person. Discipleship is a practical outgrowth of the pursuit of truth. We discuss the source of truth, how we know what we know, and the means through which God reveals Himself. In this lecture, Mike spends a few minutes exploring potential conflicting views of revelation, particularly as they relate to the scientific method and scientism. We also examine the nature of discipleship and its relationship to one’s view of truth.

Cara Shelton

Salting the Oats: Creating a Thirst for God’s Word
The single most important thing we can do for our children is to help them build a solid foundation in God’s Word. Most of us desire to have time together in the Bible – but many of us find our “reality” never measures up. This workshop will give you motivation, practical tips, and hope! Your family CAN enjoy devotions in God’s Word together and it CAN be a meaningful time of spiritual growth. Come be encouraged!

Teaching Life Through Literature (Middle School/High School)
Have you ever just handed a book off to your student, said, “Read this!” and called it literature? I know I have! But literature is far too valuable to dismiss that easily. Literature has centuries of lessons printed within its pages. The classics of literature became “classics” because they speak to common human experience. Therefore, wielded correctly, they are effective tools to prepare our students to think critically, to analyze ideas, and to consider their own reactions to experiences, decisions, and temptations in life. Come learn how to steer literature discussions into valuable learning experiences that teach not just great literature, but life lessons!

Dr. Roger and Jan Smith

Help! The High School Years Are Coming!
Many parents are confident managing decisions and educational choices through the middle school years, but shake with fear when looking ahead to the high school years. The issues do seem to have greater consequences, but Dr. Smith will show a mindset and approach that can energize you to make them the best years. Your emerging adults can become the one who praises you, instead of being your greatest critic. Together, you can not only save tons of money, but you can launch your teen to find own purpose.

Prescription for a Healthy Marriage
If the children are the glue holding your marriage together, you are on the path to divorce. A healthy marriage has characteristics that lead to a thriving home. Bringing 40 years of experience in marriage to bear on the subject, the Smiths recognize that some stages are harder than others, while it is never too late to improve the health of the relationship. The Smiths will share several tools that can help to restore or invigorate a marriage in a busy home where no one seems to have any extra time. Leave this session with one or more ideas to make an immediate difference.

Transitioning from Controlling to Influencing Your Children
Have you ever said, “My kids are out of control!”? The Smiths will show you why it is not such a bad thing, and will even encourage you to transfer more control for the good of the children, and for your own sanity. Though this is not a new idea, the way of thinking about it is foreign to most people. Having raised four children to lead productive lives as adults, the Smiths bring real-life stories from their past to illustrate both good and bad approaches to control in the family. You will be encouraged, and you will be inspired.

In Over My Head! What Was I Thinking? (Jan Smith)
Often falling on the heels of making a bold decision in your family, a little voice in your head cries out, “What was I thinking?!! I can’t do that!” Even when we are being obedient to clear direction, we can become insecure and fearful. Humorous stories will lighten your load if you are feeling the press to make changes, and will help you to stop listening to the accusations from within.

The Power of Your Child’s Emotion and Your Need to Understand (Dr. Roger Smith)
Learn from pediatrician, Dr. Roger Smith, how stress and trauma affects a child’s ability to learn and perform. Research on stress has yielded a better understanding of the biochemical and neurologic responses we see as “behavior.” Parents can tap into this research to better guide their child through life’s stresses. This session will review both the science and the social impact of emotions in the context of a Biblical worldview. Dr. Smith will transform scientific gobbledygook into layman’s language with tangible application.

Christa Svoboda

Enjoying the Early Years
Teaching your older children with littles ones also needing to be cared for creates its own unique challenges. Christa grew up homeschooling as the oldest child of four children and experienced these challenges firsthand. Now, as a mom of five children between 1 and 12, she has been creatively working through this daily challenge for many years. Christa will share practical advice and a helpful perspective of ways to have peace and productivity in your home while educating children and pouring into your young ones.

Feel the Burnout
We have all been there, feeling overwhelmed by the many things we thought were best for our family. Christa is a mother to many, wife to a husband with a very demanding job, and has a natural bend to say yes. While that all sounds great, living it out can result in some serious burnout! This has caused her to develop some practical steps to bring her heart back to a place of peace and her family into healthier rhythms of life. You will be encouraged in moving forward with a renewed sense of hope and joy.

Get Outside!
Time outside with our children is so much greater than physical education, a picnic, nature journaling, or a break. Through time spent beyond the walls of a house, children’s minds and hearts are opened in fresh new ways. Christa has lived through the high-stress moments inside with her own five children and experienced the melting away of tension by being outside. As she shares the gifts of being outdoors (renewed confidence in children, inspiration in creativity, closeness in relationship with one another, and most importantly, with God the Creator), you will leave excited to get outside with your children!

Talking with Your Kids About Difficult Topics at Any Age
We live in a world where we are encountering difficult topics to discuss with our children constantly. God has chosen our children to grow up in this time and He has chosen us to parent our children through these difficult days, so He will equip us. Christa has walked through many difficult conversations with her children in the early years and now into early adolescence. With a husband in law enforcement, there have been no shortage of opportunities. She will encourage you in using discernment, leaning into your faith, being brave, and being bold in your conversations with your children.

Iris Thot-Johnson

Si, Ja, Oui, Yes! You CAN Teach Foreign Languages in your Homeschool
This workshop will demonstrate just how easy it is to implement foreign language study into any homeschool, explaining why teaching your child(ren) a foreign language early is much better than waiting. The workshop leader will also share some ideas on how to implement foreign language study as a subject, as well as how to add foreign language tidbits throughout the day. The workshop ends with a special German language lesson with participants as the “students,” to show how easy and fun it can be to add a foreign language to any homeschool!

Andrew and Jenny Vandever

The Power of Play
Organized instruction can be a great way to impart new skills or correct mislearned ones. But play provides a context to practice and understand those skills in relation to goals, and without the pressure that sometimes comes with formal lessons. We’ll explore some ways to ignite your students’ imagination, and help them learn through fun!

Spark Your Child’s Interest in Technology (Andrew Vandever)
In this session, we’ll talk about the impact of technology on the world’s economy, and ways that our kids can benefit from it. We’ll cover a variety of useful modern technological skills, how they can be used to provide for a family and advance God’s kingdom, and how you can foster a productive interest in these technologies in your family.

Julie Walker

Discipling your Teens and Other Dangerous Endeavors
To disciple or to discipline: What do your teens need? While they are very close in meaning, discipling is more about spiritual formation and coaching than doling out consequences to misbehaving teens. Although they need both, homeschooling provides unique opportunities for parents to be more intentional about the former so that the latter may not be as severe. Learn from a homeschool mom graduate, with videos from her now-adult children, strategies you can use (or avoid!) to help your preteens and teens of today become the leaders of tomorrow that our world so desperately needs. Don’t give up hope! Be intentional. Be encouraged.

Memorizing to Think
It is not uncommon to meet a teacher or parent who has never heard of the idea of having children memorize content. Thankfully, in homeschooling circles, there is a general understanding that “memorizing stuff is good.” But do you know why? Children who are taught how and what to memorize will be more prepared to be excellent communicators and thinkers. This workshop will provide ideas for what to memorize, how to use motivational strategies, and other best practices to retain information so that your students will be more equipped for better creativity and learning in future years. It’s never too late (or early!) to start!

Laseanda Wesson

Creating A Personal Rule of Life
“A Personal Rule of Life” is an agreement that you make with yourself to honor the purpose(s) God has for you. It is not too late to learn how to set healthy boundaries. This workshop provides practical strategies for “doing it all.” You will learn how to make personal agreements that help you avoid burnout. If you are tired, stressed out, and burned out, this workshop is for you. God has a purpose for you, and creating a personal rule of life is the first step to walking in your purpose!

Where Did My Time Go? A single mom’s guide to getting it all done
The Psalmist encourages us to give our time to the Lord. Our time is not our own. It belongs to God. When we let go of our schedules and allow God to instruct us in “time management,” we will feel less stress and resentment. This workshop will help you learn how to spend time as a family asking God how to allot your time. You will learn practical strategies on how to invite Him into your day planner. You will be amazed at how much more time you have when God is in the midst.

Roger Wheelock

Mass Psychology and the Propaganda Wars
Considering the tumultuous days in which we live, psychology is probably one of the most critical topics for Christians to study. Why? Because it is concerned with the health of the mind – a subject that the Bible addresses more than twice as often as it does love. (See Proverbs and Romans 12:2.) The way we think affects our behavior, therefore we need to be very aware of the ideas we’re taking in so that we aren’t deceived and misled, and we must warn our children of the same.

Teaching History Through the Eyes of God
“George Orwell said, “The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their understanding of their own history.”
In the former USSR, censorship, rewriting of history, and eliminating undesirable people became part of the Soviets’ effort to ensure that the correct ideological and political spin was put on their history. Deviation from official propaganda was punished. We see many of the same techniques actively in use in America today and the results aren’t pretty. That’s why we need to pay attention to the saying, “Those who don’t know their history are condemned to repeat it!”

Barbara Bormuth Witt

Making Bible Time GREAT!
Learn how to captivate your young children with 15+ action-packed, interactive teaching strategies that make Bible time awesome! Workshop attendees each receive a detailed Psalm 1:1-3 lesson plan that integrates the teaching techniques.

Raising Children who Know Their Identity in Christ
Do your children know that they are magnificent creations of the Most High God, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image? This workshop provides practical and powerful tools to teach children that their identity is in Christ, rather than in the world. Each attendee creates a “make and take” personalized scrapbooking Scripture acrostic that they can replicate with their children at home.

Reaching and Teaching ALL Learners
Learn how to help your children flourish by identifying and accommodating the different ways they learn. Using learning games and playful teaching strategies is a fun and effective way to reach and teach every child. Your family will love it!

Want a Joy-Filled Home?
Got discord? Yearning for a home filled with grace and peace? Learn how to replace the bickering with joy. This workshop will equip you to playfully teach your children God’s plan for humility, repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and restitution. You can have a cheerful, Christ-centered home.

Jeanna Young

Building Character into your Princesses (and Knights!)
Before I was a mom, I was idealistic about who my kids were going to be and how they were going to turn out. Then, I had kids! I quickly wondered why a manual for raising them didn’t come out with them! Instead, God surround me with older moms who helped me use God’s Word as my framework to build character into my four children. Come hear the usable, workable knowledge that we have applied to our family’s homeschool day, and all the mistakes I made in the process!



Exploring Tools of Learning for All Ages
Is the alphabet used to form words and sentences? So, to good questions build knowledge and relationships. Learn how to spark your child’s God-given learning abilities.

Graduate from College at Age 18 (Emerging Trends)

Learn how from A-Z, what tests to take, best way to prepare, link with T.E. State University, and more.

Homeschool Oil Necessities

We know you care deeply about the growth of your children’s health emotionally, physically and intellectually! DoTERRA is the perfect addition to your homeschooling workspace!

Saving Our Kids – Applying the Bible to Hot-Button Issues in Culture

Teach your kids how to connect the dots between Scripture and the Hot-Button issues of today. Don’t let them be deceived!

EZ + 1: Making Sense of Teaching Writing

Teaching writing is not only possible; it can be enjoyable! Come learn about an effective and easy-to-use approach using the Structure and Style® method.

RightStart™ Math: Why it Works

We will teach children that a real mathematical problem is like a puzzle, that math is more than memorization, and that math is fun.

Re-Igniting Your Struggling Reader
We will review the top reading struggles, then show you how to help your child overcome these struggles using phonics.

Star Homeschool Academy: Academic Support

Star Homeschool Academy has over 20 years experience supporting families, providing quality academics and social events. Come see if Star is right for your family!

The Baran Method

The Baran Method shows kids where to write their ideas on the paper so they can form an easy-to-follow structure that eliminates their confusion

Making the Leap from Primary to Middle School Writing

How do you transition from primary to middle school writing — from basic sentences to complex essays? Discover simple steps to minimize student and teacher frustration.