5 Things to Do in Your Summer Homeschool

5 Things to Do in Your Summer Homeschool

by Megan Mora Fuentes Summer homeschool can be the most fun and most memorable lessons! Whether you follow more structured lessons year-round or break for a summer holiday, the truth is you never completely stop homeschooling. One of the best things about...

Summer Unit Study: The U.S. Military

by Katie Julius [Editor’s Note: This the first in a series of unit study topics we will be sharing over the course of the summer. Whether you take a few weeks, few months, or no break at all, we hope you find these resources helpful in your homeschool.] Many of us are...

5 Free (Or Cheap) Family Outdoors Activities

Get Outside for Family Time this Spring! by Megan Mora Fuentes, HEAV This time of year is one of the most exciting–when we get a taste of nice weather and the landscape starts blooming. Take advantage of these early spring days before the lazy summer heat sets in and...

Summer Unit Study: Soda, Pop, or Coke?

You can make a fun summer unit study out of something you might already have in your refrigerator! Soda–or pop or coke!–is a great example of the differences in regional dialect, and has a fascinating history to explore. These can be used in a number of hands-on...