Summer Unit Study: The Olympics

Summer Unit Study: The Olympics

by Katie Julius While many homeschoolers take off the summer from traditional academics, if you’re like me, you’re always looking for opportunities to learn, no matter the season. Every four years, the Summer Olympics are held, hosting thousands of athletes from more...

Summer Unit Study: The U.S. Military

by Katie Julius [Editor’s Note: This the first in a series of unit study topics we will be sharing over the course of the summer. Whether you take a few weeks, few months, or no break at all, we hope you find these resources helpful in your homeschool.] Many of us are...
Christmas School

Christmas School

by Katie Julius It’s supposed to be the most joyous time of the year filled with holiday cheer. Sadly, I think most parents would admit that this is actually one of the most stressful times of the year. You have holiday gatherings to attend, gifts to purchase, a home...