by Deborah Wuehler

I am finding some things lacking in our homeschool this season. I have not been able to get some things added to our schedule that I’d like. I missed some great field trips. I still haven’t found a homeschool group near enough to really settle in and my kids are feeling the lack of like-minded community.

I have asked myself this question in different seasons of my homeschool journey: When will I ever get to homeschool the way I really want to?

So many things get in the way of me having that perfect homeschool setting I dream about. So many life things.
Should I give up if I can’t afford that perfect curriculum? What about the curriculum I do have that I can’t use every day because of interrupting life circumstances? Should I quit because I can’t do the extra classes and field trips right now? Should I think of another alternative because my kids are always whining or bickering or even lacking friends? Maybe you are thinking that homeschooling with all those babies and toddlers is not a good idea. You have a hard time spreading attention to everyone who needs it. What about family emergencies that interrupt the schedule?

Shouldn’t we give up on this homeschooling idea as some have counseled? We’d have the best little homeschool if it weren’t for these obstacles.

Instead of looking at everyday life as an “obstacle” to getting things done, we need to look at the obstacles as part of the life God intended for us to live, and teach around those. It’s how we live that life that brings glory to the One who designed it.

Instead of wondering when we can homeschool the way we want, our question should be, “God, what do you want for me and the children today?” Then, we can rest and rejoice in the fact that everything that happens out of our control is under His control.

And guess what? You really can homeschool the way you want! You get to teach the truths of Creation and what the world believes about evolution just the way you want. You can teach “health” education instead of the perversion of what is being taught elsewhere. You can teach love and truth instead of “tolerance” and “acceptance” just the way you want to teach it. You can teach modesty, respect, and character just the way you desire.

You are free to teach what you want because you are still free to teach your children biblical truths from the comfort of your own home. You can teach your special needs child without interference and dealing with people who don’t understand your child the way you do. You can teach your children the way that is best for them; the way you want them to go. You can teach them in the safety of your home where strangers cannot harm them mentally or physically.

Don’t give up. Start again. Why? Because we are the ones that God designed to teach our children. He didn’t give the responsibility of that job to any other but you. What the Lord wills for you, He provides for you. And He doesn’t make it difficult. He has given us everything we need for life and godliness through His Word (2 Peter 1:3). The alternatives are not worth it. The high percentage of Christian children raised in public schools who leave their faith is staggering. Listen to these podcasts by E. Ray Moore of Exodus Mandate and Dr. James Dobson (

Hold onto the hearts of your children while you can. Home is best. Home is where you belong. Home is where they belong.

Deborah Wuehler is Senior Editor for TOS, wife to Richard, with eight children ages 28 to 10. She writes for The Homeschool Minute ( and is on YouTube with: Schoolhouse Devotions, pointing homeschool families to Christ as they keep their children Home Where They Belong!

Copyright 2019, The Old Schoolhouse®. Used with permission. All rights reserved by the Author. Originally appeared in the Spring 2019 issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, the trade publication for homeschool moms. Read The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine free at, or download the free reader apps at for mobile devices. Read the STORY of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine and how it came to be.