Why Go To Conventions?

Why Go To Conventions?

It’s time to decide whether to attend the Annual CHEA Convention. As a new homeschooler, you may look at the list of workshops and all the activities and feel like it will be too much for you. Or you have been homeschooling for a number of years and think things are...

Homeschooling 101: How to “Convention”

by Anjuli Watanabe, CHEA Events Manager It’s convention time! CHEA’s 36th Annual Homeschool Convention is July 11-13, 2019 at the Pasadena Convention Center. For some, attending Convention brings an overwhelming sense of dread, for others it feels like Christmas. I,...

Homeschool Conventions: What, Why, How & When

by Laura, A Reason for Homeschool I attended my first homeschool convention when my oldest was only three years old. I was grateful for those extra years to get comfortable with the idea of home education and to learn what was available. That was before it was “cool”...
Convention Brain Drain

Convention Brain Drain

by Susan K. Stewart Brain Drain – (n) what happens to most of us when we leave a convention You know the feeling. You arrive the first morning, fresh, ready for all the wonderful and inspiring things that you will learn at the Convention. You leave when the...