Vocabulary: To Teach or Not to Teach By Bethany Bennett

Vocabulary: To Teach or Not to Teach By Bethany Bennett

Trying to keep up with my eight-year-old friend Alexa’s rapid fire recollection of her science experiment was a mental challenge. She was so excited about the hands-on experience she’d had with a peanut butter sandwich representing the earth’s crust and core. When it...
A Spelling Tip or Two By Bethany Bennett

A Spelling Tip or Two By Bethany Bennett

When I started homeschooling, it hadn’t dawned on me I would actually have to teach spelling. If you read well, shouldn’t you be able to spell well? That’s the way it worked for me. Having to teach spelling, I chose a natural approach....
Making Math the Favorite Subject By Bethany Bennett

Making Math the Favorite Subject By Bethany Bennett

Finishing up with one customer, another asked me where CalcuLadder was. I pointed to a shelf above eye level and wondered why anyone would use it. It seemed a lot of money to pay for math drill pages, yet several parents had asked about it. Besides working at Shekinah...