CHEA Turns Forty

by Katie Julius “If you want to understand today you have to search yesterday.” – Pearl S. Buck To many, it is a surprise that private home education is not highly regulated by the government in California. After all, most everything else is. However, this is no...

Pray for Rain

by Rebecca Kocsis Several years ago, in 2015 to be exact, when CHEA was in a financial crisis much like we are today, the Lord ministered 1 Kings 17 to me. The prophet Elijah had just declared to King Ahab there would be no rain or dew in Israel until he gave the...

Homeschooling 101: Recordkeeping

by Katie Julius I love shopping the back-to-school sales for all the fun organizational items I can find. Ensuring my calendar is properly color coded according to person or activity is of great importance. I sometimes spend more time making my “to do” list than...