Help! My Child is Behind in Reading

Help! My Child is Behind in Reading

by Jill Wildermuth [Editorial note: Summer is a great time for reading for pleasure and to strengthen skills in a fun and relaxed way, so we launched our Summer Reading Challenge last week. This article has several ideas that might help you and your family enjoy the...

For Your Family

by Katie Julius It’s been more than 100 years since King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had destroyed Jerusalem and the temple and took Israel captive. Two groups of exiled Jews have already returned. Nehemiah, part of the third and final group, has made his way back....
Letting Go and Letting God in Homeschool Problems

Letting Go and Letting God in Homeschool Problems

by Jamerrill Stewart, HEAV Homeschool problems? What problems could there be? Whew!―Boy, this homeschooling stuff is easy, were my thoughts as I ordered my school-in-a-box, workbook-based curriculum for our first year of homeschooling. You can imagine my surprise when...