Why CHEA Doesn’t Ask for Donations for Itself at Its Conventions?
(And Why a Collection Was Taken This Year)

For a number of years, CHEA had been urged to take a collection on its own behalf at our Annual Conventions, but we’ve declined. The Board of Directors has felt that as the hosts of the event, it would be in poor taste to take a collection after our guests have already paid a ticket price to attend.

We know that your ministry to disciple your children at home is sacrificial in nature. We understand that once you’ve paid for your family’s admission to the Convention (or paid for babysitters), made curriculum purchases in the Exhibit Hall, and added to that the cost of travel and food, there probably isn’t much left in your already stretched budget. We just don’t want to be a burden or possibly take the risk of alienating our constituents.

In light of our current financial crisis the topic of taking a collection on our own behalf again came up immediately prior to the Convention this year. Again, the Board of Directors voted it down, this time choosing rather to highlight the Premium Membership program during the general session on Saturday morning. However, Mike Smith, of HSLDA, notified us that he would be asking for donations to CHEA this year, with our without our approval and recommended that we be prepared.

Donate Tab

We are very grateful to all of our guests who gave, those who became Members for the first time or renewed their Memberships, and those who became Premium Members. We know that you are giving sacrificially of your hard earned dollars. That makes it even more precious.