Homeschooling Preschool

by Katie Julius One of the most common questions I see in social media homeschool support groups begins with, “My kids are 2 and 3…” I often chuckle to myself because parents of preschoolers are some of the most ambitious and eager parents out there. Our society has...

Trust God For The Next Phase

by Dennie Booth, SCOPE Chairman of the Board Another school year is almost complete. For some, this will be the final year they homeschool their child. These graduates are moving into the next phase of life. Some will go away to college, some will enter the workforce,...

Homeschooling 101: What About Socialization?

by Michaela Roekle Socialization…new homeschoolers research it. Homeschool skeptics question it. Your relatives worry about it. As a second-generation homeschooler and leader of a homeschool organization, I have witnessed families struggle to find a balance of healthy...

Schooling Through Summer

by Katie Julius The start of summer usually signals the end of school bells, homework, and school drop-off, but for many homeschooling families, summer often provides additional learning opportunities while participating in a variety of traditional summer activities....

Homeschool Conventions: What, Why, How & When

by Laura, A Reason for Homeschool I attended my first homeschool convention when my oldest was only three years old. I was grateful for those extra years to get comfortable with the idea of home education and to learn what was available. That was before it was “cool”...